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EZ WAY BROADCASTING presents EZ TALK Film Producer Rupert H.

12 years ago
#Rupert Hitzig #EZ Way Broadcasting EZ Talk #radio celebrity interviews #podcast film producer #eric zuley ez way hollywood


EZ WAY BROADCASTING EZ Talk presents Rupert Hitzig the executive producer of one of the biggest hits in the 1980's "The Last Dragon" This film had one of the best messages for not giving up and having courage. Everyone remembers Leroy, Who's the master? Shonuff, The Glow! If you don't you need to watch The Last Dragon! We will also be having our new regular special guest, casting driector of Americas Got Talent on NBC hosted by Nick Cannon. Roz Taylor Jordan. Follow EZ WAY BROADCASTING, @ericzuley Our guest Call in talk to him914.338.1303Follow our guest @ooglerupe

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