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Life as a melody by EZ WAY BROADCASTING

11 years ago
#Life as a melody #ez way broadcasting #music #talk radio #podcast


Today's show is about how music--and musicians and those in the music business can help us stay motivated--and how music can be part of the healing process of our lives. 

Our special guests include Edlinger CEO

https://twitter.com/EdlingerCEO and 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgA_-nTEoD0 and 

https://www.facebook.com/EdlingerCEO) Who has overcome massive challenges himself in life and is now motivated to help others. 

Tina Michelle- (https://twitter.com/TinaMichelle and http://www.tinaspeaks.com) is a successful show host, producer and author. 

Call in! The number is (914) 338-1303


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