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Humanitarian Radio interview with Debbie Teichmann Tapping Play for Kids

9 years ago
#Humanitarian Radio #Tony Saint Tone #Janie Boisclair #Saint Tone #Tapping Play


Humanitarian Radio Hosts Tony Saint Tone and Janie Boisclair Interview Debbie Teichmann creator of Tapping Play.

As a visionary and creator of the award winning Tapping Play book, songs and DVD, Debbie celebrates each day with love, joy and gratitude. Thirteen years ago, Debbie, a workaholic entrepreneur stepped off her stress-filled hamster wheel onto her path of self discovery. During her beautiful journey of awakening, TAPPING PLAY was birthed and Debbie has been lovingly nurturing her new children, Annabelle, Billy and Franny. Debbie’s soul mission on this beautiful planet is to ignite children’s hearts worldwide and her creation of these fun and interactive items assist and reinforces children’s self esteem and self love.  Debbie resides in Phoenix, AZ, and has been happily married for 39 years to her husband, Geoff. She is the mother of 3 terrific grown boys, Erik, Rob, and Tom and grandma to the apple of her eye, Westmalle.

www.TappingPlay.com    ----     www.Facebook.com/Tapping Play

Featured Song this week "Re-Invent Your Life" By Motivational Musician Singer/Songwriter Saint Tone

Check out more Free Positive Music at www.SaintTone.com  www.Facebook.com/SaintTone

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